Happy November readers!
A common question from our customers is "What strings should I buy?" Well, we are here to break it down for you!
Choosing the correct pack of strings with the right gauges will be important depending on what level of player you are, genre of music, and playing style. It is important to know that the gauges are not quite the same for Electric and Acoustic. For example, the gauges of strings you see on a "Light" set of Electric strings will be different from the gauges you see on a "Light" Acoustic set of strings. The gauge (or the number) on the package of the guitar strings refers to the thickness/diameter of that string! The first number you see refers to the high "E" string.
A couple things to note! 1) The heavier the gauge the more resistance they will have. This in return requires the player to have more finger strength to be able to press the heavier strings down on the frets. As the gauge of the string increases, the tone will also start to change too. The heavier the strings, the more volume you will hear.
2) Lighter strings are easier for beginners and are more flexible for the player as these require less finger strength.
3) The tone produced by the strings is not only affected by the gauge of the strings, but also the material of the strings (nickel, steel, bronze, etc).
Here is a general overview!
Extra Light Electric | 9 – 42 Gauge Acoustic | 10 - 50 Gauge
Tone: Bright Genre: Blues | country | folk | rock Pros: Great for beginners. Flexible. Easy to play
Light Electric | 10 – 46 Gauge Acoustic | 12 - 54 Gauge
Tone: Richer and deeper than extra light strings Pros: Louder than extra light strings. More durable. Stays in tune better. Can work on almost all size guitars.
Medium Electric | 11 – 52 Gauge Acoustic | 13 – 56 Gauge
Tone: Deep and Rich Genre: Music that requires heavier picking/playing | bluegrass | metal | hard rock Pros: Durable. Loud. Cons: Harder on your fingers. |